Green Signals Episode 14 – Additional Resources

Here are some resources and links you might find useful and interesting relating to subjects covered in Episode 14.

LNER’s #FreedomAllTheWay advert

LNER has launched a new TV advert, which we discuss on the show. If you haven’t seen it yet and are curious what we were on about, here it is…


HS2 land sell-off unlikely before the General Election

If you want to read the Guardian news article that we referenced in this section, you can find it here.


Pre-cancellation stats from train operators

Latest ORR stats show that for the most recent period (12th November to 9th December), ten operators reported that they pre-cancelled (or P-coded) services due to non-availability of staff or rolling stock.

This Graph from the ORR details those statistics:

ORR pre-cancellation figures

If you want to read more about P-coding and the recent statistics, you can do so on the Office of Rail and Road website.


Major weather disruption and floods

We talked about the recent landslips at Crewkerne Tunnel and the work to repair them. Here are some Network Rail photographs of the work: