Green Signals Episode 11 – Additional Resources

Episode 11 was our Christmas Special, where we answered your questions!

Here are some links we thought you might find interesting and useful:

Q4 – Can the railway community be part of the solution to homelessness?

We mentioned some of Network Rail’s initiatives to support homeless people over the Christmas period. If you’d like to read more about the Christmas lunches that take place at Birmingham New Street, there’s a news article and some photographs from last year’s event here.

Q6 – Why does wheelslip occur on trains?

If you want to take another look at the photograph Nigel shared when explaining why wheelslip occurs, here is it. Nigel was unable to credit the photograph during the show as it’s one someone sent him many years ago and he’s not sure who it was! If it’s yours, please let us know and we’ll credit it you appropriately here.

The contact patch on a locomotive between the wheel and the rail

Q7 – How would you enhance the customer experience on the West Highland Lines?

Richard suggested that we need something to really make the most of the amazing scenery in Scotland. Here’s a link to a video of the kind of thing he had in mind and to the McKinley Explorer website where you can read more about it.


CREDIT FOR MAIN IMAGE: The Christmas tree at Birmingham New Street station in 2022. NETWORK RAIL.